Friday, April 13, 2012

The Comics Are Coming

Instead of cool, sexy and wacked-out pictures all the time, you will also be treated to a series of comic strips.  These comics are 100% original for this site.  They were created and will be displayed as time progresses.  They will the three listed below.  Pay close attention to the bottom one.

You've already gotten a glimpse of this one.  Not really a comic but more of a series of photos designed to make sure when you see it, your first response is WTF?

Mr. Twenty and Lint Boy
This series will showcase the misadventures of a crumbled up Twenty dollar bill and a sentient piece of blue jean lint.  This was inspired by a fellow co-worker of mine based upon what another co-worker of ours does with his money.  That said co-worker will NEVER be referred to by name in the comic but simply as "The Owner."  I don't know if he'll have a sense of humor about this so I don't want my ass kicked.

 . . . .  . .

No seriously, I really don't.

Primary Software
This comic will be a satire of our life here at tech support.  Let me repeat, THIS IS SATIRE.  I don't know anybody who doesn't joke about their work life.  So this series will present me and my friends through our trials and ordeals in daily tech support life, not to mention our favorite pastime later = DRINKING.

Below is the massive character list of those you will see in the Primary Support Comic Strip.

Some names have been changed from persons involved.
Some names were shortened to be just the initials.
Some character are completely made up.

So have fun reviewing the list and keep your eyes for the comics coming soon.

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